Monday, February 14, 2011

Pick a Side, Any Side...

Even though I am not very well-read in this subject, I think that I can understand the basic thought process behind President Obama’s decision to cut subsidies to oil companies. The oil companies represent the enormous “big business” powers that he is trying to fight, and they have one of the largest (and strongest) lobby presences on Capitol Hill. However, I disagree with the way that President Obama is carrying out his plan to fight oil. First of all, although oil represents that largest energy sector in the United States, the article points out that there are many other environmentally damaging energy sectors that will still get incentives and subsidies from the government without punishment. It is an unfair attack on a single actor in a multi-actor problem.

Quite frankly, I think that President Obama needs to choose a definitive path for all energy options and stick diligently to that road. Either eliminate all subsidies on the energy sector or put them in (in smaller numbers) for both fossil fuels and clean-energy alternatives. Personally, I think that the subsidies should be removed entirely, but regardless, it is clear that President Obama needs to make a stand in one direction or the other – he cannot continue to meander down the middle of the road. 

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